Battleship Bismarck Website
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24 September 2024 - Added two new pages to the site: Bismarck vs Prince of Wales and Bismarck vs Yamato.

19 February 2024 - Updated the career timeline of the Bismarck.

19 June 2023 - Transcribed into HTML format the original German battle report on the air raid against the battleship Tirpitz on 3 April 1944. Including over 70 photos and drawings.

25 February 2023 - Revised the e-book Kriegsmarine am Feind which can be purchased from the website. Scanned photos in better quality, corrected several typos, and improved the English translation overall.

14 March 2022 - Added a new commercial model to the website: Flyhawk Bismarck 1/2000 (by Stefano Schembri).

16 September 2021 - Transcribed into HTML format this original German article from 1943: "Considerations for Calculations of Heavy Armor for Ships." by B. Hoyer.

03 September 2021 - Began to upload the English translation of the "Unterlagen und Richtlinien zur Bestimmung der Hauptkampfentfernung und der Geschosswahl", the so-called "GKdos100". Booklet a), the text volume, has already been transcribed in HTML format.

09 June 2021 - Improved the conversion calculators of weights and measures. A very useful tool to convert from metric to imperial system and viceversa.

09 February 2021 - Added the operational history of the British battleship Prince of Wales, including a new detailed color drawing depicting the ship at the time she fought the Bismarck on 24 May 1941.

02 October 2020 - Updated the fire control of the Bismarck.

18 August 2020 - Updated the career timeline of the Bismarck.

30 April 2020 - Added a new detailed color line drawing of the Bismarck as she appeared on 24 May 1941.

25 July 2019 - Transcribed Bismarck's artillery testing report (AVKS-700) into HTML format.

18 July 2019 - Added a photo of Bismarck crewmember Heinz Akthun.

03 July 2019 - Added the complete original speech of Adolf Hitler during the launching of the Bismarck.

01 July 2019 - Updated the armor protection of the Bismarck.

30 June 2019 - Added some excerpts on warship displacement from the testimony of Admiral Raeder at the Nuremberg Trials.

Bismarck Baseline

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Kriegsmarine am Feind